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audio tracks (click the titles for a detailed description.)
takeshi fumimoto: 1 sähkö
from the release "dieb13 vs. takeshi fumimoto"
(cc) 2005 - mego069
released under the creative commons "sampling+ 1.0" license
uploaded on 08.27.2008 by dieb13
length: 0:01:40
1158 requests total
5.78 requests per month
3.22 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
takeshi fumimoto: 7 yo
from the release "dieb13 vs. takeshi fumimoto"
(cc) 2005 - mego069
released under the creative commons "sampling+ 1.0" license
uploaded on 08.27.2008 by dieb13
length: 0:01:23
492 requests total
2.46 requests per month
1.38 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
dieb13: 8 phon
from the release "dieb13 vs. takeshi fumimoto"
(cc) 2005 - mego069
released under the creative commons "sampling+ 1.0" license
uploaded on 08.27.2008 by dieb13
length: 0:03:03
557 requests total
2.78 requests per month
1.55 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
dieb13: 10 bel
from the release "dieb13 vs. takeshi fumimoto"
(cc) 2005 - mego069
released under the creative commons "sampling+ 1.0" license
uploaded on 08.27.2008 by dieb13
length: 0:03:18
396 requests total
1.98 requests per month
1.12 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
takeshi fumimoto: 11 &&2.20
from the release "dieb13 vs. takeshi fumimoto"
(cc) 2005 - mego069
released under the creative commons "sampling+ 1.0" license
uploaded on 08.27.2008 by dieb13
length: 0:02:55
414 requests total
2.07 requests per month
1.16 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
total length of displayed songs:00:12:19
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