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audio tracks (click the titles for a detailed description.)
wolfgang fuchs: an bojen!
wolfgang fuchs - turntable solo live at rhiz/vienna

techn. support: roman harrer
link: fuchs , rhiz
uploaded on 04.08.2011 by wolfgang fuchs
length: 0:19:21
290 requests total
1.72 requests per month
0.83 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
regolith: 2011 - live @ heart of noise
recorded live at the heart of noise festival 2011 @ a-innsbruck p.m.k.
uploaded on 06.20.2011 by richard herbst
length: 0:31:55
183 requests total
1.10 requests per month
0.71 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
notthesamecolor: live at
billy roisz + dieb13: various audio- and video-devices
uploaded on 03.03.2005 by dieb13
length: 0:17:44
1984 requests total
8.17 requests per month
2.76 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
dieb13: !2.20
from v/a "void" 2003
antifrost 2019
uploaded on 06.01.2004 by dieb13
length: 0:03:25
2277 requests total
9.03 requests per month
2.52 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
boris hauf (sax), lukas knoefler (drums), achim tang ...: slow ball
recorded live at "OEBV GrabenFestTage 2004", vienna
released on 3 farben: weiss, gft2004
link: pics , gft 2004 , hauf
uploaded on 11.27.2004 by boris hauf
length: 0:06:14
2728 requests total
11.08 requests per month
3.25 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
total length of displayed songs:01:18:39
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