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audio tracks (click the titles for a detailed description.)
patrik kessler & dieb13: der makrograph - live at cave12
makrograph (chuchchepati orchester) live:
dieb13: turntables and computers of various sizes
patrick kessler: double bass, cymbal, electronics

excerpt of a live concert at cave12/geneva on may 3 2023
uploaded on 12.05.2023 by dieb13
length: 0:05:13
1124 requests total
78.34 requests per month
36.66 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
laura mello: istanblumenau - lei de terras 1850
Voice: Christiane de Macedo.
Text: excerpt from Brazil´s government gazette 1850, the "land enactment", saying "empty" land should be occupied, ignoring the presence of indigenous people.
uploaded on 03.27.2023 by laura mello
length: 0:01:49
230 requests total
10.09 requests per month
5.09 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
erikm & dieb13: live at electronicitta nr. 3 (exzerpt)
played live at the electronicitta nr. 3 festival at montevideo / marseille by erikm & dieb13 on turntables and electronics on june 18 2005
uploaded on 01.28.2023 by dieb13
length: 0:04:01
400 requests total
16.18 requests per month
4.90 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
gus loxbo: live at porgy&bess
played live at porgy & bess / vienna on october 3rd 2022

gus loxbos: double bass
uploaded on 01.11.2023 by dieb13
length: 0:19:01
329 requests total
13.01 requests per month
4.31 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
dieb13 + gus loxbo: live at porgy & bess
played live at porgy & bess / vienna on october 3rd 2022

gus loxbos: double bass
dieb13: triple turntable
uploaded on 01.11.2023 by dieb13
length: 0:24:25
411 requests total
16.25 requests per month
5.97 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
oliver stotz: escape
music for dance company cielaroque (helene weinzierl)
uploaded on 12.29.2022 by oliver stotz
length: 0:06:02
2912 requests total
113.24 requests per month
4.20 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
oliver stotz: timing
music for dance company cielaroque (helene weinzierl)
uploaded on 12.29.2022 by oliver stotz
length: 0:01:37
184 requests total
7.16 requests per month
2.76 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
oliver stotz: in c (part 2)
terry riley's classic played by the olive on piano, guitar, marimba, xylophone, melodica, mandolin, banjo, percussion etc...
uploaded on 12.28.2022 by oliver stotz
length: 0:04:08
221 requests total
8.58 requests per month
3.22 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
oliver stotz: in c (part 1)
terry riley's classic played by the olive on piano, guitar, marimba, xylophone, melodica, mandolin, banjo, percussion etc...
uploaded on 12.28.2022 by oliver stotz
length: 0:06:07
209 requests total
8.12 requests per month
3.26 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
billy roisz & dieb13: global siesta part 1
global siesta was a 22 hour live radio program as part of esch '22.
cycling through 22 time zones in 22 hours, billy roisz and dieb13 did a (live-)remix of radio and streaming sources from around the world. wherever it was between 2pm and 3pm at any given moment, was the acoustic place to be for the two. thus they took us on a hypnosonic journey around the globe. the source material could be radio but also any other audio signal like tv, web-streams like hydrophones from the ocean floor or even seismic data.

this is part 1 of the 22hour show
uploaded on 07.12.2022 by dieb13
length: 6:00:00
293 requests total
9.33 requests per month
3.66 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
billy roisz & dieb13: global siesta part 2
global siesta was a 22 hour live radio program as part of esch '22.
cycling through 22 time zones in 22 hours, billy roisz and dieb13 did a (live-)remix of radio and streaming sources from around the world. wherever it was between 2pm and 3pm at any given moment, was the acoustic place to be for the two. thus they took us on a hypnosonic journey around the globe. the source material could be radio but also any other audio signal like tv, web-streams like hydrophones from the ocean floor or even seismic data.

this is part 2 of the 22hour show
uploaded on 07.12.2022 by dieb13
length: 6:00:00
259 requests total
8.25 requests per month
2.13 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
billy roisz & dieb13: global siesta part 3
global siesta was a 22 hour live radio program as part of esch '22.
cycling through 22 time zones in 22 hours, billy roisz and dieb13 did a (live-)remix of radio and streaming sources from around the world. wherever it was between 2pm and 3pm at any given moment, was the acoustic place to be for the two. thus they took us on a hypnosonic journey around the globe. the source material could be radio but also any other audio signal like tv, web-streams like hydrophones from the ocean floor or even seismic data.

this is part 3 of the 22hour show
uploaded on 07.12.2022 by dieb13
length: 6:00:00
310 requests total
9.88 requests per month
2.26 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
billy roisz & dieb13: global siesta part 4
global siesta was a 22 hour live radio program as part of esch '22.
cycling through 22 time zones in 22 hours, billy roisz and dieb13 did a (live-)remix of radio and streaming sources from around the world. wherever it was between 2pm and 3pm at any given moment, was the acoustic place to be for the two. thus they took us on a hypnosonic journey around the globe. the source material could be radio but also any other audio signal like tv, web-streams like hydrophones from the ocean floor or even seismic data.

this is part 4 of the 22hour show
uploaded on 07.12.2022 by dieb13
length: 3:57:47
127 requests total
4.05 requests per month
1.82 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
marina dzukljev, matija schellander, noid: flowers we are …
recorded live @ monday improvisers session, celeste 8.6.2019
uploaded on 03.21.2022 by arnold haberl
length: 0:25:45
212 requests total
6.03 requests per month
2.87 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
elak fields forever: collective fields
sounds by juri binder, jan georg brocza, angélica castelló, arthur fussy, ganael dumreicher, madeleine fremuth, fabian hainzl, lisa maria hollaus, rebekka homburg, antonia matschnig, ferenc németh, maximilian roth, paul scheliga, erika spring, luisali lea theisen, elizaveta trukhanova, anton vertipolokh and georg zichy.

mix angélica castelló
uploaded on 09.26.2021 by angelica castello
length: 0:12:22
382 requests total
9.31 requests per month
3.29 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
miriam stoney & vinzenz schwab: the human argument on berzelius
uploaded on 09.01.2020 by Vinzenz Schwab
length: 0:04:22
392 requests total
7.26 requests per month
3.35 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
bottervogel: verstrahlt (i'm a great believer)
aus dem total original soundtrack zu "fröör oder: die beklemmenden zeichen von untermoos" (hörgeschichte in 8 folgen). aufgenommen mit schlagzeug und kinderorgel.
uploaded on 08.31.2020 by dominik dusek
length: 0:02:35
411 requests total
7.60 requests per month
2.16 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
bottervogel: aufruhr
aus dem total original soundtrack zu "fröör oder: die beklemmenden zeichen von untermoos" (hörgeschichte in 8 folgen). aufgenommen mit schlagzeug und kindrorgel.
uploaded on 08.31.2020 by dominik dusek
length: 0:01:47
179 requests total
3.31 requests per month
1.65 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
stefan geissler: tmmo: 29.04.2003
... played by chris janka's "totally mechanized midi-orchestra"!!
uploaded on 08.30.2020 by stefan geissler
length: 0:02:59
144 requests total
2.66 requests per month
1.37 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
dieb13: interlockdown kleptosonics, part 1
played live on turntables and klopfer at chateau rouge on august 22 2020

recorded by gustavo petek
uploaded on 08.26.2020 by dieb13
length: 0:10:51
325 requests total
5.99 requests per month
2.82 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
dieb13: interlockdown kleptosonics, part 2
played live on turntables and klopfer at chateau rouge on august 22 2020

recorded by gustavo petek
uploaded on 08.26.2020 by dieb13
length: 0:10:58
224 requests total
4.13 requests per month
1.75 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
aron hollinger + minute/year: the invisible band: day 5
every day at 20:20, a one-minute performance is recorded by the minute/year piece by kovács/o'doherty, at bb15 linz.

seven artists improvise separately in a 7' piece, streched in time. the sound is layered by the mechanism of the durational installation, as a meeting point between spacial and temporal distance.

03.08- 09.08, follow online through the minute/year channels.

uploaded on 08.08.2020 by gabriela gordillo
length: 0:01:00
160 requests total
2.92 requests per month
1.53 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
cwch collective: weltschmerz heimat
worker-artists convene a hive broadcast of indiscriminately gathered sound-pollen, transmitting codified messages. a potent gang of sound artists are at play, exploring whatever is on their minds. style guide: anything goes

edition 6 - weltschmerz heimat

knut aufermann & sarah washington, ürzig
xentos fray bentos, broughton
frauke berg, düsseldorf
katharina bihler & stefan scheib, saarbrücken

dinahbird, paris
dieb13 & billy roisz, vienna &

anna friz, santa cruz

ralf schreiber, cologne

live broadcast 14th may 2020 on resonance extra, soundart radio, wgxc - wave farm & π-node. later on radio ara, jet fm, radio panik & radio orange.
produced by mobile radio with support from π-node
uploaded on 06.09.2020 by dieb13
length: 1:00:00
272 requests total
4.79 requests per month
1.74 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
vinzenz schwab: dedicated to metronomes
uploaded on 05.25.2020 by Vinzenz Schwab
length: 0:07:02
263 requests total
4.59 requests per month
2.13 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
stefan geissler: tmmo: komposition01
"composed" for and and played by chris janka's "totally mechanized midi-orchestra".
uploaded on 05.18.2020 by stefan geissler
length: 0:02:47
194 requests total
3.37 requests per month
1.48 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
nyx - agnel/castello/duthoit: nyx de 3 à 5 - l´hirondelle...
isabelle duthoit – voice, clarinet
sophie agnel – piano, objects
angélica castelló – paetzold, tapes, objects, sounds, assemblage

3 cities, 3 mobile phones, playing and the same time but not together at 3 in the afternoon, not knowing what the others are playing.
then just putting all 3 recordings together, and change some volumes, some mixing and do some equalizing, no cutting: for the love of lo-fi, dogma and brut mixes !

inspiration is the fantastic little book of laure belhassen "femmes animales“ - bestiaire métaphorique. (Éditions des grands champs)

each time a new beast
being together in sound!

thanks to: sistema nacional de creadores de el arte (snca / mexico)
uploaded on 05.17.2020 by angelica castello
length: 0:04:09
244 requests total
4.24 requests per month
2.12 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
nyx - agnel/castello/duthoit: nyx de 3 à 5 - la libellule ...
isabelle duthoit – voice, clarinet
sophie agnel – piano, objects
angélica castelló – paetzold, tapes, objects, sounds, assemblage

3 cities, 3 mobile phones, playing and the same time but not together at 3 in the afternoon, not knowing what the others are playing.
then just putting all 3 recordings together, and change some volumes, some mixing and do some equalizing, no cutting: for the love of lo-fi, dogma and brut mixes !

inspiration is the fantastic little book of laure belhassen "femmes animales“ - bestiaire métaphorique. (Éditions des grands champs)

each time a new beast
being together in sound!

thanks to: sistema nacional de creadores de el arte (snca / mexico)
uploaded on 05.16.2020 by angelica castello
length: 0:04:12
170 requests total
2.95 requests per month
1.53 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
nyx - agnel/castello/duthoit: nyx de 3 à 5 - les biches - ...
isabelle duthoit – voice, clarinet
sophie agnel – piano, objects
angélica castelló – paetzold, tapes, objects, sounds, assemblage

3 cities, 3 mobile phones, playing and the same time but not together at 3 in the afternoon, not knowing what the others are playing.
then just putting all 3 recordings together, and change some volumes, some mixing and do some equalizing, no cutting: for the love of lo-fi, dogma and brut mixes !

inspiration is the fantastic little book of laure belhassen "femmes animales“ - bestiaire métaphorique. (Éditions des grands champs)

each time a new beast
being together in sound!

thanks to: sistema nacional de creadores de el arte (snca / mexico)
uploaded on 05.15.2020 by angelica castello
length: 0:04:17
143 requests total
2.48 requests per month
1.23 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
nyx - agnel/castello/duthoit: nyx de 3 à 5 - la perruche -...
isabelle duthoit – voice, clarinet
sophie agnel – piano, objects
angélica castelló – paetzold, tapes, objects, sounds, assemblage

3 cities, 3 mobile phones, playing and the same time but not together at 3 in the afternoon, not knowing what the others are playing.
then just putting all 3 recordings together, and change some volumes, some mixing and do some equalizing, no cutting: for the love of lo-fi, dogma and brut mixes !

inspiration is the fantastic little book of laure belhassen "femmes animales“ - bestiaire métaphorique. (Éditions des grands champs)

each time a new beast
being together in sound!

thanks to: sistema nacional de creadores de el arte (snca / mexico)
uploaded on 05.14.2020 by angelica castello
length: 0:04:04
140 requests total
2.43 requests per month
1.28 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
nyx - agnel/castello/duthoit: nyx de 3 à 5 - la poule - day 55
isabelle duthoit – voice, clarinet
sophie agnel – piano, objects
angélica castelló – paetzold, tapes, objects, sounds, assemblage

3 cities, 3 mobile phones, playing and the same time but not together at 3 in the afternoon, not knowing what the others are playing.
then just putting all 3 recordings together, and change some volumes, some mixing and do some equalizing, no cutting: for the love of lo-fi, dogma and brut mixes !

inspiration is the fantastic little book of laure belhassen "femmes animales“ - bestiaire métaphorique. (Éditions des grands champs)

each time a new beast
being together in sound!

thanks to: sistema nacional de creadores de el arte (snca / mexico)
uploaded on 05.13.2020 by angelica castello
length: 0:04:11
231 requests total
4.00 requests per month
1.44 different clients per month
download: mp3 or ogg
total length of displayed songs:25:53:31
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if you want to publish the music elsewhere
or (re-)use it for your own works, please contact the artist(s).
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